On Tuesday 11 April 2023 the brothers of the Maltese Dominican Province met for a Provincial Assembly in preparation for the Intermediate Chapter, which will be celebrated in the upcoming months. The Intermediate Chapter is held halfway through the provincial term as an evaluation on the implementation of the Acts of the Provincial Chapter, on what remains to be implemented, and above all on the present challenges that the province is facing.
During this Assembly several contributions were made. The first was given by Bishop George Frendo O.P., who offered an insightful reflection on the communitarian dimension that permeates every aspect of Dominican life in the Fundamental Constitutions of the Order.
The second intervention was made by Fr. Joseph Ellul O.P., the delegate of the Maltese Dominican Province to the Chapter of Tultenango, Mexico, in 2022. Fr. Ellul spoke about his experience in this chapter and underscored some important points in the Acts.
There was also an intervention by the brothers in Albania who spoke about their mission in the various parishes and other aspects of the Church in this country. They also mentioned the challenges they are facing in their undertakings.
An update was also given by the Master of Novices and Students, Fr. Llewellyn Muscat O.P., on the current conditions of the brothers in formation. He also spoke on the necessity of vocational promotion.
Finally the Assembly was also addressed by by the bursar of the province, Fr. Ivan Attard O.P., and the Rector of San Albert the Great College, Fr. Aaron Zahra O.P.
The Assembly was attended by a good number of brothers , who were joined through other means of communication by our confrères living abroad. This gathering was an opportunity for the brothers to meet and reflect on the various missions of the Province, whilst reflecting on present-day challenges.
We greatly encourage you to keep all the brothers in prayer and pray for more Dominican vocations.